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Conception et mise en plan de machines industrielles à l'aide du logiciel CAD Solidworks 2021.
Approbation de plans
Conception CAD
Mise en plan
CAD software package for automating the work of an industrial enterprise at the stages of design and technological preparation of production. Provides development of products of any degree of complexity and purpose.
Works in Microsoft Windows environment. Developed by SolidWorks Corporation, founded from scratch by John Hirshtik [1], and since 1997 an independent division of Dassault Systemes (France).
Sécurité machines
Conception et fabrication
Soudage robotisé
CAD software package for automating the work of an industrial enterprise at the stages of design and technological preparation of production. Provides development of products of any degree of complexity and purpose.
Works in Microsoft Windows environment. Developed by SolidWorks Corporation, founded from scratch by John Hirshtik [1], and since 1997 an independent division of Dassault Systemes (France).
Impression 3D
Découpe de pièces